Friday, September 12, 2008

Build PR 3-7 Backlinks In Under an Hour - Quick Pagerank Increaser

Following up on my last post about sharing the link love, I acknowledged that getting quality backlinks are among the most tedious aspects of running a new blog. One way of doing this is to make sure your blog or site is cited in your signature links, for high page rank forums. Of course, you would have to manually find a list of forums that are both high in page rank, and allow a ‘rel= no nofollow’ tag. I’m here to take some of that tediousness away by giving you that list instead ;).

Here we are :

Try to post as much as possible so that your signature is crawled over multiple pages. Then use a program such as Web CEO (Free) to analyze the back-links you are building!

I often use for this job.

Technorati Tags: ,


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